Nature’s antibiotics

Echinacea | Image by Gene Wilburn

Recently I wrote about Vitamin D to boost the immune system but customers have been asking me about natural antibiotics. I have worked in the Health Industry for almost 20 years and Echinacea and Garlic are two that have stood the test of time.

Echinacea has both anti-biotic and anti-viral properties. This makes  it very useful for  treating colds and flus which are caused by viruses. But the anti-bacterial properties will help prevent the secondary bacterial infections that can often come at the end of a cold or flu which can result in chesty coughs. It’s recommended for anyone aged 12 and upwards and is not advisable if you’re allergic to the daisy family. Many use Echinacea to boost their immune system in order to prevent infection.

Garlic has been used for centuries for its extensive medicinal uses. As well as its antibacterial properties, it has been used to reduce mucous, blood pressure and cholesterol , boost the immune system, and can kill the yeast organisms which are associated with Candida. It can also thin the blood. It’s available odour free so that you won’t lose any friends! Economy brands are fine to use for general health but if you are needing to treat an existing problem/infection you will find that high dose products like Quest Kyolic garlic will be more potent.

When my two were toddlers I used either Echinacea or Garlic, but of course today you cannot use Echinacea for under 12’s. Instead you can use  Comvita Olive Leaf extract for children and Olive Leaf full strength for adults. Olive leaf extract has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti- fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and has strong anti-oxidant properties. This makes it a very versatile remedy to have in the house. Olive Leaf is an amazing remedy.

This is only a small sample of anti-biotics that nature provides but are probably the most frequently used and researched. Always check with your healthcare practitioner if you are on any medication. My motto is:  Food supplements are safe — if safely used!

Best wishes,

For more information about me see or if you’re in Wexford Town, Ireland, call in to see me at The Natural Health Store, 24 North Main Street.

Back to school boost

Image by Kaytee Riek

The school holidays are almost over and what a fantastic summer we have had. Hopefully this will mean fewer colds when the children go back to school.

If you’re concerned that this won’t be enough to prevent your child catching cold you could help boost their immune system. Vitamin D, C and Zinc will help do this and are available in liquid or tablet. Probiotics will help to boost their natural immunity.

You could give them a multi vitamin for a couple of months, especially if they’re fussy eaters. If they don’t eat their vegetables look for supplements that provide green foods, they are rich in the minerals found in vegetables.

Fish Oils are really important, in particular for concentration and memory. They can take some time before you notice the benefits, so start giving them as soon as you can.

Some useful remedies to have in the cupboard include; Sambucol — Elderberry which is for coughs and supports the immune system. Propolis winter mixture can be given to support the immune system throughout the year, or to treat a cough. Children’s Olive Leaf is an all round remedy. Olive Leaf has anti-biotic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties.

Image by Meg Hourihan

Some children find the first day of school traumatic, and parents can dread this day: their babies are growing up too fast! Now is a good time for both of you to take Rescue Remedy or Child Essence. Red Chestnut is great for parents who worry that no one can look after their child like they do.

Older children, over six who are anxious about the first day of school, at any level, from primary school to college could try Higher Nature Balance for Nerves. It helps to relax and calm. It’s especially good for anyone who feels panicky.

These are some simple steps that will help keep your child healthy and happy this school year. In the meantime, enjoy the last few days of the summer holidays with your family.

Best wishes,

For more information about me see or if you’re in Wexford Town, Ireland, call in to see me at The Natural Health Store, 24 North Main Street.