Eyebright the natural remedy to brighten your eyes

Euphrasia, or Eyebright as it’s commonly known, has been used for centuries as a tonic, and to treat mild infections of the eyes. Thankfully, it’s still available to us.

You can get it in herbal or homeopathic remedies. Eyebright is very good especially for tired, strained eyes from looking at mobile phones, electronic devices, computers, television, and reading. Your eyes may feel heavy, strained, or tired; it will help relieve these symptoms.

You don’t need to take it all the time, you can take it as a tonic for your eyes now and again, or simply take it on the days that you feel you need it. Eyebright can also help the symptoms associated with Hay Fever. These symptoms can include itchy eyes, runny eyes, tired and heavy eyes. It’s often included in Hay Fever combination remedies.

Eyebright can also help the symptoms associated with conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball and the inner eyelid. The symptoms include redness, itchiness, or a gritty feeling in one or both eyes. There is most often a green discharge that forms a crust on your eyelids making it difficult to open your eyes in the morning.

Conjunctivitis is contagious; you need to have good hygiene to prevent the spread of infection to other members of the family. This condition is often referred to as pink eye which is different to the condition the gentleman had in last week’s article, Red Eye. His eyes were red, and bloodshot with no crusty infection on the eye lids. He used a combination of Eyebright combined with Bilberry which is another herb used for eye health.

If you suffer from dry eyes you will benefit from taking Omega 3 from flax seeds on a daily basis or a good supplement. Vitamin A is good for the mucous membranes of the eyes. Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A.

My parents always told me to eat my carrots because they were good for my eyes, but I obviously didn’t eat enough! Did you?

Best wishes,

For more information about me see www.clairsclinic.ie or if you’re in Wexford Town, Ireland, call in to see me at The Natural Health Store, 24 North Main Street.